Chile's defense minister said Sunday that the navy made a mistake by not immediately issuing a tsunami warning after a mammoth earthquake, a step that could have helped coastal villagers flee to higher ground sooner.
I do feel bad for the people of chile. But the U.S. just pretty much rebuilt and still rebuilding another country that was shaken up by an earthquake. I don't like how we are always the ones that have to do everything. You know who else is a super power? China. Is China doing anything to help out? I don't think we need to be wasting money that we don't even have. We are broke and we need other countries to help themselves. Chile didn't help us with Katrina.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Football blows
7th grade quarterback commits to USC
Im a huge football fan, that is probably an understatement. I live for football, i check stats almost everday. So when i saw this i had to write about it. Apparently everyone thinks its a bad idea and it will screw him up. But it won't there are gpa requirements and test score requirenemts. Also a lot of other people are mad that he already has a full ride, but aren't they just jeolous because they wish they had enough money to go get people really early. Im not saying its smart, its very risky but if they want to do it, then let USC do it.
Im a huge football fan, that is probably an understatement. I live for football, i check stats almost everday. So when i saw this i had to write about it. Apparently everyone thinks its a bad idea and it will screw him up. But it won't there are gpa requirements and test score requirenemts. Also a lot of other people are mad that he already has a full ride, but aren't they just jeolous because they wish they had enough money to go get people really early. Im not saying its smart, its very risky but if they want to do it, then let USC do it.
Just deal with it
It's a 28-word word law that federal prosecutors have used for more than two decades to send high-profile public officials and corporate executives, including former Enron Corp. CEO Jeff Skilling, to prison.
Stop complaing everyone tries to get out of everything. No one ever thinks they did anything wrong. But he did. He made millions while a lot of people lost everything they had. Why doesnt he just deal with the fact that he broke the law and now he is being punished. DEAL with it you bum. Its not like your still not a millionaire. And if you arent, your pretty smart (before you broke the law) and I'm sure you will do just fine.
Stop complaing everyone tries to get out of everything. No one ever thinks they did anything wrong. But he did. He made millions while a lot of people lost everything they had. Why doesnt he just deal with the fact that he broke the law and now he is being punished. DEAL with it you bum. Its not like your still not a millionaire. And if you arent, your pretty smart (before you broke the law) and I'm sure you will do just fine.
Supreme Court
The Supreme Court announced Monday it will settle a nasty international dispute between parents who disagree over where their children will live.
Why have there been so many of these cases recently? There was that one about the father who wanted his son back that lived in Brazil. I think they should have the kid be with each parent for two days and then determine which one they want. I know children don't have that choice, but honestly they are the ones being affected by the desicion. Children arent as dumb as one would believe, they know what they want. Let children decide for themselves.
Why have there been so many of these cases recently? There was that one about the father who wanted his son back that lived in Brazil. I think they should have the kid be with each parent for two days and then determine which one they want. I know children don't have that choice, but honestly they are the ones being affected by the desicion. Children arent as dumb as one would believe, they know what they want. Let children decide for themselves.
rip Chelsa king
A registered sex offender from Southern California was arrested Sunday in the disappearance of a suburban San Diego teenager missing for three days after going for a run in a park.
I hate hearing about kids my age dissapearing and being kidnap. I don't understand how a human being can do that to another human being. What happend to the parents of these sex offenders, did they just give up? Did they not teach them anything? How does a person with such creepiness not be recognized in our modern society? I know they are still searching for her, but the truth is she is dead. I hate saying that. I hope she is alive, i pray she is, but why would she be alive? he had his way with her and thats all he wanted. Now he had to hide the evidence. Watch your eyes for acts of these and call the police.
I hate hearing about kids my age dissapearing and being kidnap. I don't understand how a human being can do that to another human being. What happend to the parents of these sex offenders, did they just give up? Did they not teach them anything? How does a person with such creepiness not be recognized in our modern society? I know they are still searching for her, but the truth is she is dead. I hate saying that. I hope she is alive, i pray she is, but why would she be alive? he had his way with her and thats all he wanted. Now he had to hide the evidence. Watch your eyes for acts of these and call the police.
Not Paterson's fault
New York Gov. David Paterson said Friday that he will not seek election to a full term in office.
"There are times in politics when you have to know not to strive for service but to step back," he said.
David Paterson had a guy working for him who kinda abbused his power as a coworker for the gov. ApparentlyDavid Johnson has been getting out of tickets of like domestic disputes and others just because he works for the gov. Maybe the gov did help him out a little but it wasn't his fault that he was trying to be a good friend. But if the giv himself did anything illegal then he should be punished to the full extent of the law.
"There are times in politics when you have to know not to strive for service but to step back," he said.
David Paterson had a guy working for him who kinda abbused his power as a coworker for the gov. ApparentlyDavid Johnson has been getting out of tickets of like domestic disputes and others just because he works for the gov. Maybe the gov did help him out a little but it wasn't his fault that he was trying to be a good friend. But if the giv himself did anything illegal then he should be punished to the full extent of the law.
American people, the real leaders?
Americans overwhelmingly believe that the government is broken, according to a national poll released Sunday. But the CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey also indicates that the public overwhelmingly holds out hope that what's broken can be fixed. Eighty-six percent of people questioned say that the system of government is broken, with 14 percent saying no.
Americans think the government is screwed up. Its just a plain fact. If our govt officials still belive they are doing a good job then they never read the news. They need to realize what they think is "the right thing to do" isn't ast all! They need to remember that they arent just doing their job, they are affecting the entire country.
Americans think the government is screwed up. Its just a plain fact. If our govt officials still belive they are doing a good job then they never read the news. They need to realize what they think is "the right thing to do" isn't ast all! They need to remember that they arent just doing their job, they are affecting the entire country.
Scott Brown
Sen. Scott Brown's vote Wednesday for the Democratic-backed $15 billion jobs bill is a sign that he's showcasing a campaign pledge to bring an independent mind to Washington, a Senate analyst said. "I think this shows independence," said Brian Darling, director of Senate relations for the conservative think tank Heritage Foundation. "A $15 billion jobs bill is an important vote, but it's not going to be one of the more important votes that they are going to have this year."
Who cares about it. I don't like the idea about it because we need to save money but we don't need to get mad at him for what he thinks his people want. Isn't that what our congressman are supposed to do? They aren't supposed to vote on things just because your a dem or your a republican. Your supposed to do what your constituents want! I see nothing wrong with him, yet.
Who cares about it. I don't like the idea about it because we need to save money but we don't need to get mad at him for what he thinks his people want. Isn't that what our congressman are supposed to do? They aren't supposed to vote on things just because your a dem or your a republican. Your supposed to do what your constituents want! I see nothing wrong with him, yet.
The Senate adjourned Friday without approving extensions of cash and health insurance benefits for the unemployed after a lone senator blocked swift passage due to his insistence that Congress first pay for the $10 billion package. Retiring Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Kentucky, led a spirited Senate debate with Democrats over the issue -- at one time cursing at another senator on the floor. Bunning said he doesn't oppose extending the programs -- he just doesn't want to add to the deficit.
Finally someone got the memo that we shoud save! The democrats in the senate want to continue spending money. Im all in support of extending unemployment benefits but how will we when the whole country is going bankrupt. Our country is in so much debt that it will effect not only my kids but my grandkids as well. Why keep spending money?! its retarded. I think the senate needs to have some cheap ass college students and figure out the cheapest way to do things and the best way to save money.
Finally someone got the memo that we shoud save! The democrats in the senate want to continue spending money. Im all in support of extending unemployment benefits but how will we when the whole country is going bankrupt. Our country is in so much debt that it will effect not only my kids but my grandkids as well. Why keep spending money?! its retarded. I think the senate needs to have some cheap ass college students and figure out the cheapest way to do things and the best way to save money.
GOP on the rise.
The top Republican in the Senate suggested Sunday that his party will likely face a favorable political environment in November’s midterm elections.
Of course the Republican party will recieve a huge boost in membership during this next elections in november. And if Obama doesn't realize it, that is a big slap to the face! Just think about it, your own party can't get elected just becuase they are in your party! Not because of sexual scandals but becuase you have something common with the president of the country. This country has gone a long long way from when we elected thaty man.
Of course the Republican party will recieve a huge boost in membership during this next elections in november. And if Obama doesn't realize it, that is a big slap to the face! Just think about it, your own party can't get elected just becuase they are in your party! Not because of sexual scandals but becuase you have something common with the president of the country. This country has gone a long long way from when we elected thaty man.
the census
President Obama recently encouraged Americans to "take about 10 minutes to answer 10 questions" and fill out their 2010 census form.
Hopefully western colorado will gain another seat in the House. It would let us seperate form the liberals of Pueblo andhave our own western colorado voice where it should be. I bet if John Salazar would have polled the western colorado civilians about the Dem healthcare bill then he would have found out that a majority of his "constituents" from our parts hated, hated, and hated the bill. Yet that man voted on it. Western colorado needs its own voice, let someone speak for us!
Hopefully western colorado will gain another seat in the House. It would let us seperate form the liberals of Pueblo andhave our own western colorado voice where it should be. I bet if John Salazar would have polled the western colorado civilians about the Dem healthcare bill then he would have found out that a majority of his "constituents" from our parts hated, hated, and hated the bill. Yet that man voted on it. Western colorado needs its own voice, let someone speak for us!
Military officials from NATO and its 28 member states descended on Washington last week for a series of discussions about rethinking how the alliance should transform itself in an era when its scope has expanded beyond traditional Cold War boundaries.
Nato leaders are deciding what their next step to the future will be. Apparently just saying that they are for security doesn't work anymore. American government officials want to know everything they are planning on doing. About afghan, cyber threats, terroists, why does America always have to know 9everything. I know we are a member, but I don't think we need to take control of everything.
Nato leaders are deciding what their next step to the future will be. Apparently just saying that they are for security doesn't work anymore. American government officials want to know everything they are planning on doing. About afghan, cyber threats, terroists, why does America always have to know 9everything. I know we are a member, but I don't think we need to take control of everything.
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