Friday, December 11, 2009

The Men who lead this country

Jenny Sanford, the wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, said Friday she is filing for divorce.
She said in a statement that "the dissolution of any marriage is a sad and painful process."
"This came after many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, yet I am still dedicated to keeping the process that lies ahead peaceful for our family," the statement said.

Sooooo the people who lead this country of ours believe that they can do whatever they want to. Is that what this system of government has become? Just beacuse these able men and women write the laws for the country, it doesn't give them the right to go against them. Many Govenors, Senators and Reps have all had their case of bad publicity. It's kinda annoying to the general public beacuse we vote for these fools to lead us and they can't even follow the laws. Why should regular citizens do it. I know that newspapers love scandals and scandals sell, but they don't need to publicity it. BUT get your shit together leaders of the free world, 350 million people are following you.

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